by Jytte W. Keldborg,
Board member of AMO onlus.
Published on the homepage July 2011 by
AMO onlus – Associazione Amici del Museo di Olevano Romano onlus and
Museo – Centro Studi sulla Pittura di Paesaggio Europea del Lazio.
AMO onlus – Associazione Amici del Museo di Olevano Romano onlus and
Museo – Centro Studi sulla Pittura di Paesaggio Europea del Lazio.
This paper has its attention centred on Olevano Romano and Civitella (today Bellegra) with the forest La Serpentara situated between the two hill towns, as well as Subiaco with the Benedictine convents. The area roughly defined here as Monti Equi where the artworks are listed from also include Rocca San Stefano, Gerano, Cervara, Canterano, and in a few cases also works from Genazzano, Valmontone and Palestrina are listed, as they are very close. Had it been possible to find works of art from Roiate, San Vito Romano and Paliano these would have been included too. At the time in the 19th century and far into the 20th century this area was by the artists and other travellers called the Sabine Mountains. This is not correct as the Sabine mountains are situated to the north of this area. (Even Anticoli Corrado and Saracinesco are south of the Sabine Mountains, they are in Monti Ruffi)